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SUN-Offa Hosts a Delegation from US Embassy Abuja

SUN-Offa Hosts a Delegation from US Embassy Abuja

Summit University, Offa hosted a strong delegation from the Public Diplomacy Unit of U.S.Embassy Abuja on Wednesday 22nd May, 2024.
The visit was a follow up to the mutual agreement and memorandum of understanding between the U.S. Embassy and the KU-8 an acronym for the consortium of nine universities in Kwara State.
Prof.Bayo Lawal received the delegation on behalf of the Vice_Chancellor, Prof.Abiodun Musa Aibinu who was unavoidably absent.
In his welcome address, Prof. Bayo Lawal expressed the delight of the University to have representatives of the US Embassy, Public Diplomacy Unit at Summit University on a visit of such monumental importance. He assured the four man team of the readiness of Summit University to partner with the US to advance the frontier of academic development in the University.
He particularly highlighted areas which can benefit the University namely: students and staff exchange programme; postgraduate scholarship for students of the University; assistance in preparing students for entrance GRE and GMAT examinations; donation of equipment; possible assistance on visa issuance to staff and students among others.
In his response the leader of the team, Mr. Diran Adegoke stated that the meeting which was at the instance of members of KU8 will further cement partnership and collaboration between the US and Nigeria particularly on tertiary education sector. He expressed the willingness of the US Embassy to facilitate exchange of researchers, trainings and capacity development for students and staff. He akso mentioned the Fulbright Scholarship as one of the opportunities which staff and students of the University can take advantage of such monumental importance. He assured the management of the willingness of the Embassy to facilitate admission by students in as well as assist with the issuance of visa.
Other members of management who attended the meeting were: Acting Registrar, Mall. Mustapha Kadiri, Acting Bursar, Mr. Abdulraheem Lukman and Dr.A.O.Murana, Acting Dean, College of Management and Social Sciences. Dr. A. G. Adebayo, Acting Dean, Students Affairs and Dr Maryam Bello were also in attendance to jointly received the four-man delegation.